Poiatti Domenico, owner of old mills, in a difficult period for Italy had the idea to create a pasta factory in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily. It was 1946: Today that tradition continues thanks to his sons Giovanni and Maurizio who inherited his father‘s passion for pasta.The old Pastificio Poiatti is unique, since 1946.
The Poiatti now produce 100 types of pasta, from that of durum wheat to the egg, drawn from bronze to Cous Cous .
Sicilian Pride
Because the mills are owned by the company, the entire manufacturing process is supervised and directed from the family, a guarantee of the highest quality for the consumer. The Poiatti also represents a flagship of Sicily, a company that exports all over the world, particularly on the American market, thank to the tradition handed down by Italian immigrants to their children. The Old Pastifico Poiatti is inimitable , since 1946.